Defining SQL Queries

Query Names

Name definitions are how aiosql determines the name of the methods that SQL code blocks are accessible by. A query name is defined by a SQL comment of the form "-- name: ". As a readability convenience, dash characters (-) in the name are turned into underlines (_).

-- name: get-all-blogs()
select * from blogs;

This query will be available in aiosql under the python method name .get_all_blogs(conn)

Query Comments

-- name: get-all-blogs()
-- Fetch all fields for every blog in the database.
select * from blogs;

Any other SQL comments you make between the name definition and your code will be used a the python documentation string for the generated method. You can use help() in the Python REPL to view these comments while using python.

Python 3 … on Linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import aiosql
>>> queries = aiosql.from_path("blogs.sql", "sqlite3")
>>> help(queries.get_all_blogs)
Help on method get_all_blogs in module aiosql.queries:

get_all_blogs(conn, *args, **kwargs) method of aiosql.queries.Queries instance
    Fetch all fields for every blog in the database.

Named Parameters

Named parameters :param are accepted by all supported drivers and taken from Python named parameters passed to the query. In addition, simple attributes can be referenced with the .-syntax.

-- name: with-params^
select length(:name), :x.real + x.imaj;

Then the generated function expects two named parameters:

res = queries.with_params(name="Calvin", x=(1+1j))
# => (6, 2.0)

Parameter Declarations

Query parameter names may be declared in parentheses just after the method name.

-- name: search(title, published)
select title from blogs where title LIKE :title and published = :published;

When declared they are checked, raising errors when parameters are unused or undeclared.


This section describes the usage of various query operator symbols that you can annotate query names with in order to direct how aiosql will execute and return results.

No Operator (Default)

In the above Query Names section the get-all-blogs name is written without any trailing operators.

-- name: get-all-blogs()

The lack of an explicit operator tells aiosql to execute the query and to return all the results. In the case of get-all-blogs that means a select statement will be executed and all the resulting rows will be returned. When writing your application you will often need to perform other operations besides select, like insert, delete, and perhaps bulk operations. The operators detailed in the next sections let you declare in your SQL code how that query should be executed by a Python database driver.

^ Select One

The ^ operator executes a query and returns the first row of a result set. When there are no rows in the result set it returns None. This is useful when you know there should be one, and exactly one result from your query.

As an example, if you have a unique constraint on the username field in your users table which makes it impossible for two users to share the same username, you could use ^ to direct aiosql to select a single user rather than a list of rows of length 1.

-- name: get-by-username(username)^
select userid,
  from users
 where username = :username;

When used from Python this query will either return None or the singular selected row.

queries.get_user_by_username(conn, username="willvaughn")
# => (1, "willvaughn", "William Vaughn") or None

$ Select Value

The $ operator will execute the query, and only return the first value of the first row of a result set. If there are no rows in the result set it returns None. This is implemented by returing the first element of the tuple returned by cur.fetchone() from the underlying driver. This is mostly useful for queries returning IDs, COUNTs or other aggregates.

-- name: get-count()$
select count(*) as cnt from users;

When used from Python:

# => 3 or None

! Insert/Update/Delete

The ! operator executes SQL without returning any results. It is meant for statements that use insert, update, and delete to make modifications to database rows without a necessary return value.

-- name: new-blog(userid, title, content)!
insert into blogs (userid, title, content)
  values (:userid, :title, :content);
-- name: remove-blog(blogid)!
delete from blogs where blogid = :blogid;

The methods generated are:

def new_blog(conn, userid: int, title: str, content: str) -> int:

def remove_blog(conn, blogid: int) -> int:

Each can be called to alter the database, and returns the number of affected rows if available.

Note that some SQL databases allow to return a relation after insert, update or delete by using a returning clause. For such queries the result is a relation like a select, so the same operators apply:

-- name: publish-new-blog(userid, title, content)$
insert into blogs (userid, title, content)
  values (:userid, :title, :content)
  returning blogid;
blogid = queries.publish_new_blog(conn, userid=1, title="AioSQL New Features", content="…")

<! Insert/Update/Delete Implicit Returning

When performing a modification of rows, or adding new rows, sometimes it is necessary to return values using the returning clause where available, as described above.

When using old versions of SQLite this special operator will return the id of the inserted row using `cur.lastrowid <>`__.

As recent version of SQLite do support the returning clause, simply forget about this, use the clause explicitely and treat the whole command as a standard select with the empty operator (relation), or ^ (tuple), or $ (scalar).

-- name: publish-a-blog<!
insert into blogs(userid, title, content)
  values (:userid, :title, :content);

Executing this query in python will return the blogid of the inserted row.

blogid = queries.publish_a_blog(conn, userid=1, title="Hi", content="blah blah.")

*! Insert/Update/Delete Many

The *! operator directs aiosql to execute a SQL statement over all items of a given sequence. Under the hood this calls the executemany method of many database drivers. See sqlite3 Cursor.executemany for an example.

In aiosql we can use this for a bulk publish method that operates over a list of blog entries.

-- name: bulk-publish*!
-- Insert many blogs at once
insert into blogs (userid, title, content, published)
  values (:userid, :title, :content, :published);
queries = aiosql.from_path("blogs.sql", "psycopg2")
blogs = [
    {"userid": 1, "title": "First Blog", "content": "...", published: datetime(2018, 1, 1)},
    {"userid": 1, "title": "Next Blog", "content": "...", published: datetime(2018, 1, 2)},
    {"userid": 2, "title": "Hey, Hey!", "content": "...", published: datetime(2018, 7, 28)},
queries.bulk_publish(conn, blogs)

The methods returns the number of affected rows, if available.

# Execute Scripts

Using this operarator will execute sql statements as a script. You can’t do variable substitution with the # operator. An example usecase is using data definition statements like create table in order to setup a database.

-- name: create-table-blogs#
  title TEXT NOT NULL,
  content TEXT NOT NULL,
queries = aiosql.from_path("create_schema.sql", "sqlite3")

Note: SQL scripts do not accept parameters.