aiosql package
- aiosql.adapters package
- Submodules
- aiosql.adapters.aiosqlite module
- aiosql.adapters.asyncpg module
- aiosql.adapters.duckdb module
- aiosql.adapters.generic module
- aiosql.adapters.mysql module
- aiosql.adapters.pg8000 module
- aiosql.adapters.pyformat module
- aiosql.adapters.sqlite3 module
- Module contents
aiosql.aiosql module
- aiosql.aiosql.from_path(sql_path: str | ~pathlib.Path, driver_adapter: str | ~typing.Callable[[...], ~aiosql.types.SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | ~aiosql.types.AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol], record_classes: ~typing.Dict | None = None, kwargs_only: bool = True, attribute: str | None = '__', args: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] = [], kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = {}, loader_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader] = <class 'aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader'>, queries_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.queries.Queries] = <class 'aiosql.queries.Queries'>, ext: ~typing.Tuple[str] = ('.sql',), encoding=None)
Load queries from a .sql file, or directory of .sql files.
sql_path - Path to a .sql file or directory containing .sql files.
driver_adapter - Either a string to designate one of the aiosql built-in database driver adapters. One of many available for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. If you have defined your own adapter class, you may pass its constructor.
record_classes - (optional) DEPRECATED Mapping of strings used in “record_class”
kwargs_only - (optional) Whether to only use named parameters on query execution, default is True.
attribute - (optional)
attribute access substitution, defaults to"__""
, None disables the feature.args - (optional) adapter creation args (list), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
kwargs - (optional) adapter creation args (dict), forwarded to cursor creation by default. declarations to the python classes which aiosql should use when marshaling SQL results.
loader_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for QueryLoader extensions.
queries_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for Queries extensions.
ext - (optional) allowed file extensions for query files, default is (“.sql”,).
encoding - (optional) encoding for reading files.
Returns: Queries
queries = aiosql.from_path("./sql", "psycopg2") queries = aiosql.from_path("./sql", MyDBAdapter)
- aiosql.aiosql.from_str(sql: str, driver_adapter: str | ~typing.Callable[[...], ~aiosql.types.SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | ~aiosql.types.AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol], record_classes: ~typing.Dict | None = None, kwargs_only: bool = True, attribute: str | None = '__', args: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] = [], kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = {}, loader_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader] = <class 'aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader'>, queries_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.queries.Queries] = <class 'aiosql.queries.Queries'>)
Load queries from a SQL string.
sql - A string containing SQL statements and aiosql name.
driver_adapter - Either a string to designate one of the aiosql built-in database driver adapters. One of many available for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. If you have defined your own adapter class, you can pass it’s constructor.
kwargs_only - (optional) whether to only use named parameters on query execution, default is True.
attribute - (optional)
attribute access substitution, defaults to"__"
, None disables the feature.args - (optional) adapter creation args (list), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
kwargs - (optional) adapter creation args (dict), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
record_classes - (optional) DEPRECATED Mapping of strings used in “record_class” declarations to the python classes which aiosql should use when marshaling SQL results.
loader_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for QueryLoader extensions.
queries_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for Queries extensions.
Loading queries from a SQL string.
import sqlite3 import aiosql sql_text = """ -- name: get-all-greetings -- Get all the greetings in the database select * from greetings; -- name: get-user-by-username^ -- Get all the users from the database, -- and return it as a dict select * from users where username = :username; """ queries = aiosql.from_str(sql_text, "sqlite3") queries.get_all_greetings(conn) queries.get_user_by_username(conn, username="willvaughn")
- aiosql.aiosql.register_adapter(name: str, adapter: Callable[[...], SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol])
Register or override an adapter.
aiosql.queries module
- class aiosql.queries.Queries(driver_adapter: SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol, kwargs_only: bool = True)
Container object with dynamic methods built from SQL queries.
-- name:
definition comments in the content of the SQL determine what the dynamic methods of this class will be named.Much of the needed pre-processing is performed in
- param driver_adapter:
Either a string to designate one of the aiosql built-in database driver
adapters (e.g. “sqlite3”, “psycopg”). If you have defined your own adapter class, you can pass its constructor.
- param kwargs_only:
whether to reject positional parameters, defaults to true.
- add_child_queries(child_name: str, child_queries: Queries) None
Adds a Queries object as a property.
child_name - The property name to group the child queries under.
child_queries - Queries instance to add as sub-queries.
- add_query(query_name: str, fn: Callable) None
Adds a new dynamic method to this class.
query_name - The method name as found in the SQL content.
fn - The loaded query function.
- property available_queries: List[str]
Returns listing of all the available query methods loaded in this class.
List of dot-separated method accessor names.
- load_from_list(query_data: List[QueryDatum])
Load Queries from a list of QueryDatum
- load_from_tree(query_data_tree: Dict[str, QueryDatum | Dict])
Load Queries from a QueryDataTree
aiosql.query_loader module
- class aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader(driver_adapter: SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol, record_classes: Dict[str, Any] | None, attribute: str | None = None)
Load Queries.
This class holds the various utilities to read SQL files and build QueryDatum, which will be transformed as functions in Queries.
- param driver_adapter:
driver name or class.
- param record_classes:
nothing of dict.
- param attribute:
string to insert in place of
- load_query_data_from_dir_path(dir_path, ext=('.sql',), encoding=None) Dict[str, QueryDatum | Dict]
Load queries from a directory.
- load_query_data_from_file(path: Path, ns_parts: List[str] = [], encoding=None) List[QueryDatum]
Load queries from a file.
- load_query_data_from_sql(sql: str, ns_parts: List[str], fname: Path | str = '<unknown>') List[QueryDatum]
Load queries from a string.
aiosql.types module
- class aiosql.types.AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol(*args, **kwargs)
- async execute_script(conn: Any, sql: str) str
- async insert_returning(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) Any | None
- async insert_update_delete(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) None
- async insert_update_delete_many(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) None
- process_sql(query_name: str, op_type: SQLOperationType, sql: str) str
- async select(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None, record_class: Callable | None) List
- async select_cursor(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) AsyncContextManager[Any]
- async select_one(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None, record_class: Callable | None) Any | None
- async select_value(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) Any | None
- class aiosql.types.QueryDatum(query_name, doc_comments, operation_type, sql, record_class, signature, floc, attributes, parameters)
- attributes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] | None
Alias for field number 7
- doc_comments: str
Alias for field number 1
- floc: Tuple[Path | str, int]
Alias for field number 6
- operation_type: SQLOperationType
Alias for field number 2
- parameters: List[str] | None
Alias for field number 8
- query_name: str
Alias for field number 0
- record_class: Any
Alias for field number 4
- signature: Signature | None
Alias for field number 5
- sql: str
Alias for field number 3
- class aiosql.types.QueryFn(*args, **kwargs)
- attributes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] | None
- operation: SQLOperationType
- parameters: List[str] | None
- sql: str
- class aiosql.types.SQLOperationType(*values)
Enumeration of aiosql operation types.
- SCRIPT = 3
- SELECT = 4
- class aiosql.types.SyncDriverAdapterProtocol(*args, **kwargs)
- execute_script(conn: Any, sql: str) str
- insert_returning(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) Any | None
- insert_update_delete(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) int
- insert_update_delete_many(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) int
- process_sql(query_name: str, op_type: SQLOperationType, sql: str) str
- select(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None, record_class: Callable | None) Generator[Any, None, None]
- select_cursor(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) ContextManager[Any]
- select_one(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None, record_class: Callable | None) Tuple[Any, ...] | None
- select_value(conn: Any, query_name: str, sql: str, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | List[Any] | None) Any | None
aiosql.utils module
- exception aiosql.utils.SQLLoadException
Raised when there is a problem loading SQL content from a file or directory
- exception aiosql.utils.SQLParseException
Raised when there was a problem parsing the aiosql comment annotations in SQL
- aiosql.utils.VAR_REF = re.compile('(?P<dquote>"(""|[^"])+")|(?P<squote>\\\'(\\\'\\\'|[^\\\'])*\\\')|(?P<lead>[^:]):(?P<var_name>\\w+)(?=[^:]?)')
Pattern to identify colon-variables (aka _named_ style) in SQL code
- aiosql.utils.VAR_REF_DOT = re.compile('(?P<dquote>"(""|[^"])+")|(?P<squote>\\\'(\\\'\\\'|[^\\\'])*\\\')|(?P<lead>[^:]):(?P<var_name>\\w+\\.\\w+)(?=[^:]?)')
Pattern to identify colon-variables with a simple attribute in SQL code.
- aiosql.utils.log = <Logger aiosql (WARNING)>
Shared package logging.
Module contents
- exception aiosql.SQLLoadException
Raised when there is a problem loading SQL content from a file or directory
- exception aiosql.SQLParseException
Raised when there was a problem parsing the aiosql comment annotations in SQL
- aiosql.from_path(sql_path: str | ~pathlib.Path, driver_adapter: str | ~typing.Callable[[...], ~aiosql.types.SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | ~aiosql.types.AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol], record_classes: ~typing.Dict | None = None, kwargs_only: bool = True, attribute: str | None = '__', args: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] = [], kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = {}, loader_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader] = <class 'aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader'>, queries_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.queries.Queries] = <class 'aiosql.queries.Queries'>, ext: ~typing.Tuple[str] = ('.sql',), encoding=None)
Load queries from a .sql file, or directory of .sql files.
sql_path - Path to a .sql file or directory containing .sql files.
driver_adapter - Either a string to designate one of the aiosql built-in database driver adapters. One of many available for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. If you have defined your own adapter class, you may pass its constructor.
record_classes - (optional) DEPRECATED Mapping of strings used in “record_class”
kwargs_only - (optional) Whether to only use named parameters on query execution, default is True.
attribute - (optional)
attribute access substitution, defaults to"__""
, None disables the feature.args - (optional) adapter creation args (list), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
kwargs - (optional) adapter creation args (dict), forwarded to cursor creation by default. declarations to the python classes which aiosql should use when marshaling SQL results.
loader_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for QueryLoader extensions.
queries_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for Queries extensions.
ext - (optional) allowed file extensions for query files, default is (“.sql”,).
encoding - (optional) encoding for reading files.
Returns: Queries
queries = aiosql.from_path("./sql", "psycopg2") queries = aiosql.from_path("./sql", MyDBAdapter)
- aiosql.from_str(sql: str, driver_adapter: str | ~typing.Callable[[...], ~aiosql.types.SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | ~aiosql.types.AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol], record_classes: ~typing.Dict | None = None, kwargs_only: bool = True, attribute: str | None = '__', args: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] = [], kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = {}, loader_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader] = <class 'aiosql.query_loader.QueryLoader'>, queries_cls: ~typing.Type[~aiosql.queries.Queries] = <class 'aiosql.queries.Queries'>)
Load queries from a SQL string.
sql - A string containing SQL statements and aiosql name.
driver_adapter - Either a string to designate one of the aiosql built-in database driver adapters. One of many available for SQLite, Postgres and MySQL. If you have defined your own adapter class, you can pass it’s constructor.
kwargs_only - (optional) whether to only use named parameters on query execution, default is True.
attribute - (optional)
attribute access substitution, defaults to"__"
, None disables the feature.args - (optional) adapter creation args (list), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
kwargs - (optional) adapter creation args (dict), forwarded to cursor creation by default.
record_classes - (optional) DEPRECATED Mapping of strings used in “record_class” declarations to the python classes which aiosql should use when marshaling SQL results.
loader_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for QueryLoader extensions.
queries_cls - (optional) Custom constructor for Queries extensions.
Loading queries from a SQL string.
import sqlite3 import aiosql sql_text = """ -- name: get-all-greetings -- Get all the greetings in the database select * from greetings; -- name: get-user-by-username^ -- Get all the users from the database, -- and return it as a dict select * from users where username = :username; """ queries = aiosql.from_str(sql_text, "sqlite3") queries.get_all_greetings(conn) queries.get_user_by_username(conn, username="willvaughn")
- aiosql.register_adapter(name: str, adapter: Callable[[...], SyncDriverAdapterProtocol | AsyncDriverAdapterProtocol])
Register or override an adapter.